Beats by Dre ‘Be Heard’
The big idea for the Be Heard campaign was to hijack the chest beat – a visceral, athlete celebration – going beyond sports stadiums and media buys and scaled straight into the lexicon of sports fans text and chat conversations.
By arming our audience with bespoke assets (GIFs and videos) of our Beats ambassadors/athletes, drenched in the Be Heard visual language, we connected our brand story to the juiciest moments in all of sports – ultimately enabling them to Be Heard, from bold declarations, key bragging moments, to timely retorts.
This campaign was highly successful having millions of views and impressons for each event; Dak Prescott’s first playoff game GIF earned 25 million views within 24hrs.
This campaign was highly successful having millions of views and impressons for each event; Dak Prescott’s first playoff game GIF earned
25 million
views within 24hrs